Friday, November 27, 2009

Confessions on a Friday Night

1. I Watch Gossip Girl

I hate to admit it, but I fallen for all those crude marketing stunts and superficial beauty, even though its inane and repetitive.I sometimes watch it on mute just to see Blair’s wardrobe. I do not know if thats better or worse. Can you really blame me? (see photographs below)



2. I am a vegetarian, but I sometimes dream I am eating chicken nuggets

Which is just shameful really. I think the only explanation for this is that I am very very mad. Sometimes its spaghetti and meatballs.

Worst. Vegetarian. Ever.

3. I like Barack Obama, even though he has quite truly, in every sense of the word, done nothing at alL since he was elected

Apart from murdering pirates…which is a good start, but still. I have no idea. This Obama love is very irrational. I have started reading the newspaper since he was elected. I laughed when he won the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing, but I can sympathize with those poor old blokes up there in Sweden. They know he doesn’t deserve it, but they just want to give it to him, just for the heck of it….

4. I am going to use the recession crisis as an effective excuse of being unemployed

I am 19. This is the last of the teen ages. I am also graduating from college in the next five months, which means I should seek employment. I would sincerely love to work but I can’t think of any reason why a company would want to hire me (even in times of a booming economy). I wouldn’t hire me… so I will just say it was George Bush’s fault and people will be sympathetic.

5. I am an Indian living in India and I have never seen the Taj Mahal

Whats more, is that I can reach to this beautiful monument of never-ending love in approximately two and a half hours. I can only blame my Parentals for not taking me, but I vow that I shall visit Agra right after my exams.

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